So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

This is the first installment of IRC's Highlighted Indie Artists of the Week series.
Note: Highlighted artists in this series are not necessarily new on the scene, and some have gone on to sign with big labels and enjoy success that some indie fans claim makes them no longer "indie" (the never-ending debate).
Nevertheless, Indie Rock Cafe endeavors to showcase the best "up and coming" artists, and those that have been around but have been under appreciated. Please leave comments or send us email about new artists.
The Starting Line - They are not exactly unknown, but it's hard not to get drawn in by The Starting Line's catchy, polished, high-octane pop rock songs. And there has to be something said for the dynamics of such a young band. In fact, lead singer, Ken Vasoli, was only 15 (he said at the time he was 16) when they were signed to their first record deal in 2003.
The band's sound is potentially commercial radio level - tight and well engineered, but they also offer songs that are more free and dominated by acoustic baselines, musical shifts and right-on-key choruses.
This is one of the best "indie" bands we've heard and to some their songs could easily turn up on a soundtrack for "Grey's Anatomy" or "The OC". The best comparison of their sound would be Blink 182. And still The Starting Line stands out on their own as one of the best rock/pop bands on the scene.
Related: Interesting story about the band's formation.
Check out some of the group's music.
Labels: The Starting Line
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