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The songwriter and bassist for the popular pop-punk indie group Fall Out Boy said that he had struggled with major depression that lead to a suicide attempt, according to US magazine.
Wentz, who is currently dating celebrity singer Ashlee Simpson, said that he was "lost" and "out of control" during the time Fall Out Boy was in the studio recording. The article does not say when the incident occurred, but a wild guess says it would have been during the recording for the 2007 release Infinity on High.
In 2005, FOB released one of the year's top-selling albums, From Under the Cork Tree, spawning a Billboard Top 10 for album spot and two Top Ten hits "Dance, Dance" and "Sugar We're Going Down." The album quickly gained double platinum status and Fall Out Boy was subsequently nominated for a Grammy for Best New Artist of the Year.
But the fame and fortune, and the prescription drugs, Wentz said, were not making him any happier.
"I got in my car. I remember I was listening to Jeff Buckley doing Leonard Cohen's 'Hallelujah' [mp3] and sat there and took a bunch of [anxiety drug] Ativan in a Best Buy parking lot," Wentz said.
Wentz said he then "called up my manager because I was, at that point, completely out of my head with Ativan. And I was talking to him and I was slurring my words, so he called my mom and my mom called me and she came and got me and we went to the hospital.
"It's not really about keeping your head above water, it's about feeling all right and feeling safe in your own skin."
MP3: Fall Out Boy - Dance, Dance
MP3: Fall Out Boy - This Ain't a Scene, It's an Arms Race
This week Wentz took part in a MTVU teen suicide prevention fundraiser called "Half of Us".
Fall Out Boy are enroute to Chile and, I checked this three times, Antartica. Why? FOB is trying to set a world record. Stay tuned to IRC by signing up for the site feed to get all the details about this still developing and amazing story when the results are in. Will they do it?
As of today, according to Fall Out Boy's official website, there are no other shows scheduled yet for 2008, but chances are their will be.
Don't forget your ear muffs.
Fall Out Boy's 2008 Concert Schedule (so far)
Mar 23, 2008 Teatro Teleton Santiago, Chile (Sold Out)
Update: The venue for this show was originally set for the Victor Galpon Jara but was moved to the Teatro Teleton - a larger venue - to accommodate a huge demand for tickets. All tickets purchased from Jara's will be honored at the Teatro venue.
Mar 25, 2008 Gymnasium @ Frei Base King George Island, Antarctica
(not sold out yet; don't penguins and polar bears like indie rock?)
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Labels: Fall Out Boy
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