So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

"This Tornado Loves You" - Neko Case from Middle Cyclone (2009)
"Lisztomania" - Phoenix from Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (2009)
"No You Girls" - Franz Ferdinand from Tonight (2009)
"My Girls" - Animal Collective from Merriweather Post Pavilion (2009)
"One Wing" - Wilco from Wilco, The Album (2009)
"Paper Lace" - Sunset Rubdown from Dragonslayer (2009)
"French Navy" - Camera Obscura from My Maudlin Career (2009)
"The Strangers" - St. Vincent from Actor (2009)
"Harlem Sunrise" - Rainbow Arabia from Kabukimono (2009)
"Young Hearts Spark Fire" - Japandriods from Post-Nothing (2009)
"Love You Better" - The Maccabees from Wall Of Arms (2009)
The first summer mix featuring the best indie rock songs of 2009 includes new tracks from The Dodos, Foreign Born, Why?, Starlight Mints, Fun, Deastro, Passion Pit, Pains of Being Pure At Heart, Throw Me The Statue and Akron/Family.
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Isn't the song "Paper Lace" from Sunset Rubdown? Posted here under Deer Tick.
Beside from that, good mix ;)
Great playlist. Love the inclusion of the Japandroids and Rainbow Arabia. Thanks to introducing me to that band (RA).
Apologies from IRC for listing the song "Paper Lacce" by Deer Tick. It's actually by Sunset Rubdown from their new album. Thanks for readers who pointed this out. You guys rock! :)
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