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Love shows how musicians and bands really don't make as much money as we all think they do, unless they hit it medium to really big.
In the article, Love also explores the new advantages that musicians have today. They can leave their labels behind thanks to all of the advances (and lower cost) of recording technology and distribution channels, most notably the Internet. (We are planning to publish a whole list of bands that have left big labels to create and distribute their music solo.)
[Update 2/1/07 1:20am: Love's manager and American Idol's executive producer Nigel Lythgoe say Courtney will not be a judge on American Idol and that Paula Abdul is not being replaced. The story below was written before that news.]
On a related note, there are rumors swirling around the blogs and the news shows that Courtney Love may be replacing Paula Abdul on American Idol. Wow, if you think about that, it may attract viewers who otherwise haven't really watched the show but may with Courtney Love as a judge. Not just because she is the widow of Kurt Cobain, but also an accomplished musician herself.
But more than all of that, people will want to see how she judges and how she behaves. People will want to see if she may be on drugs like they have suggested Abdul is on (alcohol is a drug, right?).
Labels: American Idol, Courtney Love
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Update: Nov. 26, 2007 - Hey Everyone! See Mia's special note to all of you in the comments section below, and leave your own comment for Mia and other fans to read (spam and inappropriate comments will not be published)
Fans of Mia Rose! IRC was the first major music blog (Dec. 2006) to recognize the talent, and predict the international fame, of Mia Rose. In the past year, Mia Rose has become a global sensation and more than 75,000 people have come to this website from more than 50 countries worldwide.
Get news by feed or email about Mia Rose and other great independent musical talents - from indie rock to emo -
by subscribing to IRC .
Don't Miss: See her first YouTube video of a song Mia wrote herself below (scroll down)
We will have a very special - and only where on IRC - announcement about you and Mia Rose soon. Also check out Indierockconcerts.com and indierocksongs.com.
This story was originally published on Jan. 9, 2007
As folks who passionately love music, we are always eager to hear fresh and talented musicians who have somehow not shown up on the radar of the music industry.
Mia Rose, an 18-year-old young woman from the United Kingdom, is so far one of the missed blips on the screen.
But make no mistake about it, she will become a superstar if managed by the right people. See and hear for yourself. She can even sing magnificently without music.
The natural ability to sing without music is a big indicator of talent, and Mia does it marvelously.
Not only is she a talented young singer and guitar player, but Mia also has a spunky personality and she is absolutely adorable.
But still the overwhelming consensus is that she is going to be a big star if she gets the right label and manager.
In this music video, which we think is phenomenal, she is clearly a little nervous, but she's 18, so give her a break. All in all, she has begun the journey to international stardom.
Subscribers and new subscribers: Please check the website periodically for more timely updates on Mia Rose and the global indie music movement.
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Labels: American Idol, Mia Rose, Unsigned Artists
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