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One example of this is the band's genuine nature, spontaneity and innovativeness, as the following video clearly shows.
In this 15-minute video, Arcade Fire members take their eclectic mix of instruments into an elevator (but it's not that kind of elevator music) to play "Neon Bible" and then proceed to walk out into the middle of a crowd of their fans using a megaphone and strings to pump out a sing-a-long version of "Wake Up".
If you are not an AF fan, maybe you will be after you see and hear them play the title track from their 2007 hit album, Neon Bible in a Parisian elevator. (mp3s for sampling below)
If you are not an AF fan, maybe you will be after you see and hear them play the title track from their 2007 hit album, Neon Bible in a Parisian elevator. (mp3s for sampling below)
Arcade Fire - Black Mirror (Full-Source Remix)
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Labels: Arcade Fire
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