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"I've been a long-standing member of the Labour party and active in local politics for a while," Rowntree said. (See video below)
"I'm a Westminster resident and in my experience of living here, it all looks lovely - there are hanging baskets everywhere - but you only need to scratch beneath the surface and see that there's a lot of deprivation and a lot of inequality around. I think someone needs to do something about it."
Despite his notoriety, Rowntree will have to campaign hard for the position because the Marylebone ward is traditionally conservative.
One fan - Lovelyrita - wrote on the band's official message board: "I'm sure Damon [Damon Albarn, songwriter/founding member and singer] has always known Dave's labour convictions, so I don't think that can be a problem between them.
The problem for us, though is that if Dave is elected, well, I don't think it's very appropiated [sic] for a politician to play music in a band... even if that band is Blur. That's my opinion, at least. So, let's hope he doesn't get elected... sorry, Dave."
Labels: Blur, Dave Rowntree
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