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Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Little URL Forced to Take Down Website

Those long and nasty URLs that we all encounter on the Internet and in emails were made much more easier to manage thanks to free services like LittleURL.com.

Well, the website has had to close down due to SPAM attacks that allegedly threatened the hosting company's server stability and security.
That's a bummer because I know plenty of folks who had used that service to lasso unwieldy web addresses.

Thankfully there are still other URL (otherwise known as 'web addresses') shortening services, most notably
Tiny URL.

For marketers and other publishers who send out email with ridiculously long URLs, they run the risk of their URL getting mangled in transmission or even being rejected or delete by many email servers.

Many people who send out web addresses like driving directions and even search queries in emails, find them to be not only annoying to themselves, but also most likely the recipient.

How many times have you clicked on a really long URL in an email and received an error message or had to reconstruct the URL yourself, or even worse, have to go and fish it out from the original source. Grrrr!

But Tiny URL, a very simple and free online tool, allows anyone, not just web marketers, the ability to create simplistic and manageable web addresses.

For example, here's a really long URL:

Tiny URL simplifies it to:

There are a number of considerations to keep in mind when using tiny URLs for your links. You may lose some traffic counts, confuse some users or get blocked by some email and web security systems.

Is Tiny URL about to become BIG? Is it possible it could be bigger than YouTube in due time?

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Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Fight the Spammers with Word Lists

A great and inexpensive way to fight the spammers is to configure your system or network or web site to exclude common words found in spamming.

Here are a few good resources to get started:

WordPress Codex - Spam Lists
Process Software - Common Tricks Employed by Spammers

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