So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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Recent Releases We Almost Missed, VII: Sam Billen,...Best New Releases of the Week: Avi Buffalo, Alcoho...
IRC Band to Watch: New York's The Rassle
New York Times Will Stream The National's New Albu...
Recent Releases We Almost Missed VI: Owen Pallett,...
Best New Releases of the Week: Radio Dept., Rory E...
Yoko Ono Talks to IRC About Her Dance Hits, Musica...
Record Store Day: The Importance of Record Stores,...
One Man Band Series: Ben's Imaginary Band, 200 Lur...
Recent Releases We Almost Missed, Vol. V: The Libr...

best indie albums 2008

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In 2005, Jagjaguwar Records released The Odawas first LP, The Aether Eater, which became an alternative favorite of that year. Their latest release, The Blue Depths, is one of the surprise alternative releases of 2009. Here's one of the album's many great songs.
"Harmless Lover's Disclosure" - Odawas from The Blue Depths (2009)
Odawas on MySpace
Ice Palace is an indie band from Minneapolis who are touring with Cloud Cult and Say Hi. Ice Palace's new album, Wonder Subtly Crushing Us, will be released this week on Earthology Records. Their sound is best compared to bands like The Donkeys and The Subjects.
"Thoughts/Facts" - Ice Palace from Wonder Subtly Crushing Us (out May 9)
Ice Palace on MySpace
Labels: Bands to Watch 2009, Odawas
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May 6, 2009
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Odawas is Michael Tapscott and Isaac Edwards and a somewhat revolving door of a group of other musicians, including at least one they clearly don't like according to a photo caption on the Odawas' MySpace page.
"Harmless Lover's Discourse" from The Blue Depths
In 2006, Tapscott released a home produced solo LP under the moniker More Animals of the Artic. The band will be performing a show during San Francisco's Noise Pop Festival on February 27, 2009 at the famous Cafe DuNord.
Labels: Chicago, New Releases, Odawas
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January 19, 2009
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