So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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Recent Comments
During the past year or so, CinCin City's indie pop band Pomegranates has crossed the radar of many music blogs and official publications, thanks most to their 2008 debut LP Everything is Alive on Lujo Records.
SPIN magazine says the "art pop" band "shows a youthful, open-eared quartet enlivened with a kick-ass record collection, ceiling-less imagination, ragged guitars, and songwriting chops for days."
"Whom Who" - Pomegranates from Everything is Alive
"Thunder Meadown" - Pomegranates from Everything is Alive
Check out Pomegranate's record label profile with free MP3s.
Here's a YouTube video from the band for the song "We Could Have Escaped".
Labels: Chad Van Gaalen, Michaela Birtic, New Indie 2009, Pomegranates
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