So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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Today's new releases include the long-awaited Transference from one of the best garage rock bands of the past decade, Spoon; plus fresh tracks from Florida's Band to Watch in 2010, Surfer Blood, The Eels, Feral Children, Major Stars, Editors, The Len Price 3, Dinowalrus.
Easily one of the best indie garage rock (or whatever you want to label them) bands of the past decade, Spoon, is back with a new album out today, Transference. While we haven't had the chance to listen to it thoroughly enough to give a reliable opinion, if the first single, "Written in Reverse," is any indication of the rest of the album, it looks to be yet another fantastic album from Spoon. Stream the album here. So far, it sounds fantastic.
"Written in Reverse" - Spoon from Transference (2010)
Spoon official website

Surfer Blood, a Floridian indie pop band signed with Kanine Records, have exploded in popularity in recent months, especially after appearances during CMJ in New York, and the release of advanced singles from their debut LP, Astro Coast, out today. The band, who lists their influences as female American authors, will launch a two-month tour of North America (and a brief jaunt in the UK), ending with four sets at Austin's South by Southwest.
Surfer Blood are touring with some of our favorite indie bands, including fellow Floridian indie band, Holiday Shores (whose 2009 debut LP is one of the best of the year), jungle surf -retro classic rock Nashville band, Turbo Fruits, plus other greats like British Sea Power, Pete and the Pirates, Monotonix, and two of Brooklyn's hottest new rock/tropical pop bands, The Drums and Beach Fossils.
Doubling, and tripling, up with such an amazing line-up of buzz bands on an extensive tour is a clear indication of a band's respect in the indie-sphere - with fellow musicians, critics, bloggers and, most importantly, indie music fans. We've already listen to Astro Coast again and again, and it is definitely one of the 2010 albums you want in your collection.
Although the release would have been suited more appropriately for a summer release, it might just be comforting to delve into the sun soaked harmonies, breezy melodies and hot rythyms of Astro Coast as an antidote to the depths of winter that grip most of the country right now.
"Swim" - Surfer Blood from Astro Coast (2010)
Surfer Blood on MySpace

Some critics are calling The Eels newest album, End Times, out today, perhaps their best release ever. At first listen (it's available for full stream via Spinner), that just may be the case. Time will tell, but so far, End Times is likely to satisfy new and old fans of one of rock's most quirky, talented bands.
Also, don't miss Seattle band Feral Children's new single from their fresh LP dropped today, plus new releases from Major Stars, Editors' latest, In This Light & On This Evening, available as a full album stream (via Spinner.) and other releases worth noting from Dinowalrus' %, and the UK's The Len Price 3's newest LP, Pictures.
"Little Bird" - The Eels from End Times (2010)
"End Times" - The Eels from End Times (2010) - via Stereogum
Get End Times on CD, digital or vinyl
"On A Frozen Beach" - Feral Children from Brand New Blood (2010)
Feral Children on MySpace
"The Space You Know" - Major Stars from Return to Form (2010)
Major Stars on MySpace
"Papillon" - Editors from In This Light and on This Evening (2010)
Editors' official website
"Nuke, Duke 'Em" - Dinowalrus from % (2010)
Dinowalrus on MySpace
"After You're Gone" - The Len Price 3 from Pictures (2010)
The Len Price 3 on MySpace
See/listen to last week's best new releases.
Labels: Beach Fossils, Florida Bands, Holiday Shores, New Releases, Surfer Blood, The Drums
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January 19, 2010
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