So far, 2010 is looking like a great year for indie and alternative rock.

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best indie albums 2008

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Up first is the band Everthus The Deadbeats, followed by the whistling, skipping melodies of Amo Joy; "King Basement" from Thunderhawk's upcoming release, VI; the alt country rock of Kentucky Nightmare; the White Stripes-sounding garage rockers, Big Big Car; and, Everything Now's semi-sordid story of life in a trailer park.
"Organic Mechanics" - Everthus The Deadbeats from John Kill & The Microscopic Lullaby
"A Regal Tomorrow" - Amo Joy from The Sane Design
"King Basement" - Thunderhawk from VI
"Caroline & I" - Kentucky Nightmare from Take Her Favour
"The Limestone Stomp" - Big Big Car from Limestone Throne/Kid Fight
"I Live in a Trailer Park" - Everything, Now! from Police! Police!
Get the Standard Recordings sampler in zip format for free, and check out the label's website.
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Bands That Rock! Vol. II: Brooklyn's A Place to Bury Strangers and Stockholm's The Legends
Way Back Now, Vol. I: Trendmill Trackstar, Flipper and Ring of Truth
Labels: Indie Record Labels
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Fast forward to right now. Labrador has released a fresh batch of superb new songs from The Radio Dept., The Mary Onettes, Pallers, The Legends, Suburban Kids With Biblical Names and The Sound of Arrows. Altogether, this is some of the best indie music out right now, thanks to the smart people with very keen ears for good music at Labrador Records.
In addition to the new releases listed below, you can download a zip file of all of Labrador's free songs, stream them on LastFM and buy the albums of your favorite Labrador bands on Labrador's website. Find the release dates for the following list of new songs. Cheers to a great indie label!
"Dare" - The Mary Onettes from Dare EP
The Mary Onettes on MySpace
"David" - The Radio Dept from upcoming David EP
The Radio Dept on MySpace

"1999" - Suburban Kids With Biblical Names from #4
SKWBN on MySpace
"Humdrum" - Pallers from Humdrum EP
Pallers on MySpace
"Always The Same" - The Legends from Over and Over
The Legends on MySpace
"M.A.G.I.C." - The Sound of Arrows from M.A.G.I.C.
The Sound of Arrows on MySpace
Get more songs from the Swedish label by downloading the Labrador Spring Sample via Pirate Bay.
Labels: Indie Record Labels, MP3s
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The cleanly designed site features MP3s, albums, artist profiles and more, including a Flash rendition of the Barsuk Records Songwriters Show from April 2005 featuring Ben Gibbard of Death Cab for Cutie, Matthew Caws of Nada Surf, John Roderick of The Long Winters, John Vanderslice and Jesse Skyes.
"November Was White, December Was Grey" - Say Hi from new release Ohhs and Ahhs
"Soul Meets Body" - Death Cab for Cutie from 2005 release Plans
"See These Bones" - Nada Surf from 2008 release Lucky
Check out more free MP3s of artists in the Barsuk Records line-up and get some of the albums to hear all of the great songs from your favorites.
Labels: Anti-Flag MP3s, Barsuk Records, Death Cab For Cutie, Indie Record Labels, Nada Surf, Say Hi
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The album mainly consists of various remixes of the I Heart Lung's song "Interoceans" from artists like SugarLoaf, Strategy and Omid.
Download Interoceans from Asthmatic Kitty Records. You can also stream the album and buy the original from I Heart Lungs.
In case you missed...
IRC's first installment of the PlayThis! Indie MP3 Playlist series featuring MP3s with the word 'summer' in them from artists such as Death Cab for Cutie, Kings of Convenience, Belle & Sebastian, Pavement, Queens of the Stone Age, The Kinks, Grandaddy and Beck.
Labels: Asthmatic Kitty Records, Indie Record Labels, MP3 Indie Albums
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The label is based in Austin, one of the country's top indie/alternative rock cities, where each year two of the music industry's biggest events - the South-by-Southwest Conference and the Austin City Limits Music and Arts Festival - are held. Smart place to start a record label if you don't mind the Texan heat.
Dead Oceans has a great line-up for a relatively small and new label, including indie and alternative rock bands like Explorers Club, Bishop Allen, White Hinterland, The Bower Birds and Evangelicals.
The label has just released The Explorer's Club new debut album, Freedom Wind. This is an interesting album and definitely worth a try, especially if you enjoy the following free track from the album.
MP3: Do You Love Me - Explorers Club
You can purchase Freedom Wind at from Dead Oceans
MP3: Skeleton - Evangelicals
Another recent release from the Dead Oceans indie record label worthy of checking out comes from The Bower Birds. This is a new and pleasant discovery here at IRC. Many fans are enticed by the band's Middle-Eastern influenced tracks that are adeptly mixed with a kind of indie rock that is rarely heard.
The band's song "In Our Talons" embodies this ecelectic offering of influences on The Bower Birds sound.
MP3: In Our Talons - The Bower Birds
View amazing artistic, albeit low budget, music video for "In Our Talons" featured on MTV2 and YouTube.
Canadian Director Alan Poon describes the making of the video to subterraneanblog:
"The images were created by taking individual snapshots of each animal in each position [for] approximately 5 seconds...per day...features three different nature vignettes - a crow (we think), a pair of preying mantises and a crab - and there are three members of Bowerbirds."
In a way coming upon the Dead Oceans Record label was a bit jarring and coincidental for me . Only two days earlier, I had heard a report on NPR about "dead ocean zones" increasing worldwide. The dead zones, a major concern of enviornmentalists and governments worldwide, are growing at an alarming rate worldwide.
The dead ocean zones take over when high concentrations of oxygen-sucking algae form at the mouths of major rivers. Fertilizer run-off from farms flow into streams and then major rivers where they amass in piles, choking the ocean zone's oxygen and killing marine life.
In places like Florida, Japan and Europe, there have been an alarming increase in the number and size of dead ocean zones during the past four decades. Marine environmentalists and oceanographers around the globe say that dead ocean zones are the greatest threat to the world's already threatened oceans.
Hopefully bringing this issue to your attention might get a few people to write their Congressional representatives (it's our democracy if we want to take it).
Labels: Dead Oceans, Indie Record Labels, MP3s
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Fans of the group will likely not be let down. The band shines on this album in a way they have not before.
But don't worry - they have preserved their mysterious complexity of song writing and musical mood changes while at the same time cranking it up a notch on experimental rock pop songs like "Matchbook Seeks Maniac", " +81" and "Cast Off Clown."
Much of the album is representative of their musical styles, and experimentation with different textures and some engineering tricks and switches that give the songs a polished quality while not sounding overly produced or mainstream Top 40.

The songs featured here are for listening only. You can buy Deerhoof's music from any number of downloading sites or buy their CDs online or in the stores.
If you are already a new fan, or a long-time fan, make sure not to miss the band if they are playing near you.
Deerhoof's Concert Dates 2007
Jan 30 2007
Great American Music Hall
San Francisco, California
Feb 1 2007
Neumo's Crystal Ball Reading Room
Seattle, Washington
Feb 2 2007
Richards On Richards
Vancouver, British Columbia
Feb 3 2007
Wonder Ballroom
Portland, Oregon
Feb 4 2007
W.O.W. Hall
Eugene, Oregon
Feb 11 2007
Black Cat
Washington, DC, Washington DC
Feb 12 2007
Cat‘s Cradle
Carrboro, North Carolina
Feb 13 2007
Grey Eagle
Asheville, North Carolina
Feb 14 2007
Charleston, South Carolina
Feb 15 2007
Columbia, South Carolina
Feb 16 2007
Jack Rabbits
Jacksonville, Florida
Feb 17 2007
Miami, Florida
Feb 18 2007
Tampa, Florida
Feb 19 2007
The Social
Orlando, Florida
Feb 20 2007
Common Grounds
Gainesville, Florida
Feb 21 2007
40 Watt Club
Athens, Georgia
Feb 22 2007
Mercy Lounge
Nashville, Tennessee
Feb 23 2007
The Warehouse
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Feb 24 2007
Sattellite Ballroom
Charlottesville, Virginia
Feb 25 2007
Baltimore, Maryland
Mar 2 2007
The Epicentre
San Diego, California
Mar 3 2007
Club Congress
Tucson, Arizona
Mar 4 2007
Rhythm Room
Phoenix, Arizona
Mar 7 2007
Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Mar 8 2007
Gypsy Tea Room
Dallas, Texas
Mar 9 2007
Austin, Texas
Mar 10 2007
Houston, Texas
Apr 1 2007
The Rosemount
Perth, Western Australia
Apr 3 2007
The Annandale
Sydney, Australian Capital Territory
Apr 4 2007
The Zoo
Brisbane, Australian Capital Territory
Apr 6 2007
Great Escape Festival
Sydney, Australian Capital Territory
Apr 7 2007
Corner Hotel
Melbourne, Australian Capital Territory
Deerhoof Official website There are some videos, news and tour information, but not much more than that. A little surprising for a great band that has been around for a while.
Deerhoof Lyrics
Labels: Deerhoof, Indie Record Labels
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Labels: Indie Record Labels
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