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In 2006, Lovísa was contacted by a local label that showed interest in a raw demo she had placed on her MySpace page. Just a few short months after being discovered, she had recorded and released her debut album, Please Don't Hate Me, which topped the Icelandic charts, and became the best-selling original album in the country that year, as well as being nominated for four Icelandic Music Awards (and winning three of them) in the process. Her latest album, Farewell Good Night's Sleep, was released last year to positive reviews, and her MySpace views have top 350,000.
"By and By" - Lay Low from Farewell Good Night's Sleep (2009)
"I Forget It's There" - Lay Low from Farewell Good Night's Sleep (2009)
Lay Low on MySpace

With help from guest musicians, Carlon brought his compositions to life and released his debut album, Insecure, last year. His musical influences include the Beatles, the Smiths, Soda Stereo, Jeff Buckley, Elliott Smith, Tom Waits, and Chet Baker.
"Runaway" - Noel Carlon and the Dead Poets from Insecure (2009)
"Lady Kiss Me" - Noel Carlon and the Dead Poets from Insecure (2009)
Noel Carlon on MySpace
Labels: Iceland Bands, Lay Low, Lovísa Elísabet Sigrúnardóttir, Noel Carlon and the Dead Poets, Singers and Songwriters
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March 5, 2010
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